Thursday, June 23, 2005

Make Like Dolly Parton

Yeah, I'm at a 9 to 5. Not that that's bad. I need structure and discipline, much like Ted when his father threatened to send him to boarding school before he went on the Excellent Adventure. I just didn't realize exactly how well I'd segmented my days into chunks of non-work until I sat down to do eight hours of actual work at one time. Horrifying. Suddenly I'm wondering how much money I could make by selling organs. I'd get to hang out at home a lot...

Seriously though, it would figure that the news got crazy just as I stopped having time to post regularly. Between David Brooks, Karl Rove, Donald Rumsfeld, and The Supreme Court's decision today, shit's just a little more crazy. No time for commentary-I've got emails to send. Then, softball. I'm not playing(are you crazy?), but I have to cheer on The Nation against Air America. It's not just that I'm competitive; this is a personal. Maybe someone will hit Al Franken with a baseball bat. Probably won't happen-I bet he has a designated bat-target for him. Dude's rich enough to pay someone for that.


Ma Tiny said...

fire karl rove:

Anonymous said...

I will throw my body in front of Al with what measly strength I have to protect him, but Janeane, if you want to take her out, that's another story