It's not all lollipops and unicorns. While I really, really hope these abysmal approval ratings, indictments, and catastrophic failures carry over in the public mind to the 2006 election, all of this was in place long before November 2004. As happy as I am that there is finally comeuppance, it stings a little too. We shouldn't have to be happy with such petty vengeance, laughing at Fitzgerald's masterful leak strategy. We should have been able to beat these guys a year ago(almost exactly, which hurts too). It'll be a victory to see Karl Rove and Scooter Libby indicted, but it'll be 360 days late and 2 bosses short.
While we're on the bittersweet, it looks like the legitimate media will not be giving the starving public the hot British interview action they were hoping for. Never fear, for the independent press(read: me) will soldier on and bring it to the masses, free of substance-crushing cuts and a dignity eroding editing process.
Come to think of it, that publicity photo of Miers reminds me of someone. There's a...fossilized quality to her that is just so familiar...
Oh my god, you're so right.
And here I've been comparing Miers to the Emperor.
(The aging that comes with joining the Dark Side. Scary.)
she looks like Zelda Rubenstein.
Christmas comes early, indeed..
God Bless America!!
hot British interview action...
I'm really jonesing for that interview now.
could you email me and tell me what is going on? i have just returned from the mountains and internet is too slow to read the news. bombs in delhi, people talking about bin laden again? and now good news about the fall of evil? what is going on?
ps. its fucking cold in the mountains.
all that matters right now is Tai Shan.
That's right, baby, panda bear cub!
For all that you really need in life, go to the National Zoo Website and click on the Panda Cam. Goddamn right, it's a beautiful day...
Karl wasn't indited. How do you feel now?
Personally I love it! And what percent of the public knows who scooter is?
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