Friday, August 17, 2007

Sick Sick Sick

You know things are bad for American health care when even the White House Press Secretary has to get a better job to pay his medical bills. Granted, "financial reasons" could mean any number of things, but the normal code words for "I want to make more money" are "I want to spend more time with my family." That Mr. Snow would come out and say that he is leaving because he needs to make some cash suggests that he may well be much sicker than he is letting on, and that even free government health insurance might suck just about as badly as that of most regular, paying citizens.

A family friend currently undergoing clinical trials to treat their cancer said that treatments would cost $17,500 dollars a month if they had not been admitted to the trial. At $210,000 a year, that would drain the bank account of even a well rewarded GOP hitman.

Normally I don't like to feel things for Republicans, but I almost feel bad for the guy. Almost. There's only so much sympathy I can have for a man who lies professionally for people who believe his life is worth more than that of poorer people.

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